Our Journey


Sundays: 11:00 AM & Wednesdays Worship & The Word 6:30 PM

Early one Easter Sunday morning in 2003, Bishop Henry Page stood before the congregation and appointed Elder Michael Henry Page, his son, as Co-Pastor of the Greater St. Paul Church.  No one knew at the time that this would be the inaugural event catapulting the younger Page into a ministry unique to the gifts that God had given him.  God was calling the senior statesman to the foreign field in Italy and West Africa, and Pastor Mike was being prepared for more excellent work as a Shepherd for the Flock of God. Four years later, due to the bishop’s failing health in 2006, Pastor Mike would be tasked to conduct the last two Crusades in Oklahoma City and Memphis, TN. He was well-trained and prepared for the challenge when the bishop went home to be with the Lord in 2007.

In 2011, after 50 years, God led Pastor Mike to change the name of the church to Liberty Temple Worship Center, also known as “The Place Where the River Flows.” In 2012, the Lord spoke to Pastor Mike and instructed him to trust God for a new direction for a new generation: same God, same Biblical and doctrinal truths, with a continued emphasis on souls for the Kingdom.  Pastor Mike's mandate is to preach Jesus! Whether to the poor, the lost, the rich, the hurting, the downcast, or the outcast, it's all about Jesus!  Show them the love of Christ, and do not send them away because of any differences present. God has been faithful, and we are blessed.  

Seven years later, in 2019, our nation was touched by one of the most devastating experiences our generation had ever known. COVID-19 came and rocked our world! Let's be clear: shopping centers, restaurants, schools, corporate businesses, and entertainment venues were not the only entities affected by the pandemic; churches, synagogues, and other religious assemblies were forced to close their doors, disrupting religious activities and fellowship. These were devasting times. From 2019 until 2022, we worshipped together online. Although different than worshipping in person, God was still gracious and met us each time we gathered. 

In September 2022, Pastor Mike led the congregation on their re-emerging journey, opening the doors for worship at the Dominion Center Church at 5:00 p.m.

In March 2023, we relocated to Valhalla High School. Still, we prayed that God would bless us with our space. As a congregation, we prayed and searched high and low for a place to call "home." 

After much prayer, diligence, and patience, God answered our prayer and opened a door for us. On the first Sunday in September, Pastors Mike and Pastor C announced that Liberty has finally found its home! A resounding praise filled the air and could be heard from one end of the theater to the next. It was electrifying! Our pastors told us that we would be moving and that Sunday would be our last Sunday in that location. 

"And the People Had a Mind to Work." Nehemiah 4:6. The building we're moving into is going to need some work, much work. However, the people of Liberty have a mind to work! The walls are coming down, the carpet is being laid, and the paint is going on the walls, and the people are building God a temple for His glory and honor.

Despite challenges and setbacks, Liberty has stood the test and remained a church for the people, delivering authentic, intentional, and life-changing ministry. If anyone asks who Liberty is, we are still "a people" actively pursuing excellence—a people geared for the times but anchored to the rock.

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